Is Technology Making Us Lazy

technology Is Technology Making Us Lazy

Have you ever sat down at 7:00 am to play a Video game, or scroll on Instagram for 10 minutes or so, only to find yourself getting back up fifteen minutes later at 11:00 am?

technology Is Technology Making Us Lazy

Have you ever sat down at 7:00 am to play a Video game, or scroll on Instagram for 10 minutes or so, only to find yourself getting back up fifteen minutes later at 11:00 am?

technology Is Technology Making Us Lazy

Have you ever sat down at 7:00 am to play a Video game, or scroll on Instagram for 10 minutes or so, only to find yourself getting back up fifteen minutes later at 11:00 am?

technology Is Technology Making Us Lazy

Have you ever sat down at 7:00 am to play a Video game, or scroll on Instagram for 10 minutes or so, only to find yourself getting back up fifteen minutes later at 11:00 am?

technology Hello World

Have you ever sat down at 7:00 am to play a Video game, or scroll on Instagram for 10 minutes or so, only to find yourself getting back up fifteen minutes later at 11:00 am?